Donate & Pledge Page

*The Annex Network is the anti-trafficking initiative of Source, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Please type Anti-Trafficking in Preferred Area of Operation.

Donate via GiveMn

Donate via PayPal

For Designations or Notes:

– Page 1: Amount and Card Info
– Page 2: Write designation or note in the “Any specific designation (optional):” box

Checks by mail

Make checks out to Source with Annex in memo line. Send to:

PO 8212,
Minneapolis, MN 55408


ecfaThank You

Thank you for your support. The continuance of our programs and effectiveness in helping others, depends on the generosity of our partners.

Source is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit. All gifts are tax deductible. Source was established in 1987, incorporated in the State of Minnesota and with the federal government. Source is a member of the ECFA and financials may be provided upon request.

Source Anti-Trafficking
P.O. BOX 8212